Monday, February 25, 2008

Ivan... He pretty much wrote the book on how to giv'er'.
I certainly do envy his talent and work ethic!!!

The Chase Pack. An unusual Birkie in that there was a field sprint at the end.

the downtown finish... Wisconsin @ its finest!!

A birds eye view.

The pros.

A wannabe.(myself)

Pulling some folks up the course.
69 place... A decent race.... Ski racing is a roller coaster ride; both physically and mentally. You must be all in if you are going to succeed. No fairwether folks found here.

3.5 weeks till Canadian Nationals (The season finale)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Driving that train... (North American VASA TC MI)

Yeah, I did not make it all 50km. Perhaps back to basics. It is not the act of training that makes one faster but recovery and supercompensation!!!

Birkie this coming weekend. See what goes down. Got to rest well and then giv 'er !

This blog is turning into a race report lately.

Tis the season for that.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis
The course during the night. A lot of lake crossings in this urban loppet.
Seminfinal heat 0f the Toko/Finn Sisu Sprint Race near Henepin Ave in the cities. Got eliminated by half a ski length. You lose a battle but the war goes on....