Thursday, December 02, 2010

Here's some shots of Front Royal and the vacation pad.

The official Front Royal welcoming committee.

Signs like this are all over town, and Virginia. So much history in a little space.

It felt like fall, not November in Front Royal. Most of the trees still had leaves.

The downtown sundial of the "Canoe Capitol of the World" says its lunchtime.

My tour guide of Front Royal...the ambassador of coolness.

Skyline High School, where Sam teaches looks a lot like a college building. Impressive.

Working off the turkey...not by shoveling snow, but by raking leaves.

Jeni and I walked down to the Potomac river on Thanksgiving morning.

The river was very peaceful.


Amanda said...

This post makes me hungry! What a grand feast! Just one correction: that beautiful river is the Shenandoah.
We miss you!

Mikael Kilpela said...

lol... jeni did the post, so I can't take credit for that.